Nature Competition Rule Change
Entries for the Nature Competition are due by Monday 15 January for the Competition on 22 January. Although the Competition Schedule specifies 1 PDI and/or 1 Print, we have decided to introduce more flexibility:
For the 2017-18 Nature Competition, each member may submit up to a total of 3 images in any combination of PDI and Print.
There is an outside chance that this will result in too many images to be properly judged, so please specify your 1, 2, 3 preference with each image by adding _P1 or _P2 or _P3 to the end of the PDI file name (e.g XX_Bird on a Stick_P1.jpg where XX is your membership number) or showing P1, P2, P3 on the Print label. If absolutely necessary, we may have to drop all P3 images but that is unlikely. Preferences can straddle the PDI/Print mix in any way you choose: so P1 and P3 may be PDIs, with P2 as a Print, etc. Please specify preferences even if you only submit 1 or 2 images – it will save our Competition Secretaries a lot of time!
Reminder: the Nature Competition is an Open Competition (no Prelim/Inter/Adv classes). There are separate trophies (and acclamation and esteem) for the Best PDI and the Best Print, with honourable mention (and similar acclamation, esteem) for seconds and thirds.